23 March 2023

Won the "Clarivate 2023 global top innovation"

Sumitomo electric industrial co., LTD (head office: Osaka central region;President: inoue cure;Hereinafter referred to as the company) to be included in the family farce to Ann by world-class information services company (head office: Philadelphia, China branches: Beijing) released the "2023 global top innovation" list, and obtained the company awarded the trophy.


"2023 global top innovation" based on the company's data, the selection have the ability to bring new value for the world and creative, with consistency and creativity of enterprises and organizations, the seventh time in the company.

Sumitomo electric group by demand forecasts and social changes and technology trends, committed to reform and integration of the long-term accumulated technical capability and diversified products group, for force of wanda group to create value, in order to contribute to building a prosperous future society.

Please refer to the family firm only Ann's news bulletin.
https://clarivate.com.cn/top-100-innovators/top-100-innovators/?CLV - award - year = 2023


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